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Very nice record with a perfect 11 per minute record! gg hyper!

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Best Score in 10 mins: Lyor 89

Omg! godlike-lyor did this so great record and overcame filthee!! maan this si really impressive and seems to be the best record for the 2004! go lyor go!!

old records: fillthe 86, warnell 79

Hits : 27288
23 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 5
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 15:42:52 by Stema.  5/5

n1 lyor!!! and lookk...what a weird skin is that one in the picture?? lol!
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 16:11:47 by MaD JaK.  5/5

its out of futurarmor sor somthing like that they make the simsons as well


omg lyor nice score

Posted on 08 December 2004 at 16:56:41 by Lyor.  0/5

danke schon
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 17:03:36 by p0isoN.  0/5

24 unfreezes in 10 min is a record too i think :)
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 17:35:46 by Cheeetos.  5/5

/me bows down to Grandpa..

n1 amigo

(Skin if Bender from Futurama - cartoon thingy)

10:59 ehehe

Posted on 08 December 2004 at 18:55:36 by Lyor.  0/5

i didn't take the screenshot =), yourbutt timed it well, thanks!

Posted on 08 December 2004 at 19:40:21 by Steven.  5/5

go lyor go lyor! niceeee!!! 10.59 ^^ LOONIES! :P very very nice!!
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 20:33:35 by Cheeetos.  0/5

i know he took it amigo  :p

Posted on 08 December 2004 at 23:35:12 by warnell.  0/5

ahh.. your lucky im not around anymore
Posted on 09 December 2004 at 08:22:54 by Cheeetos.  0/5

idd or we'd all die...lots :p

When is the earliest u can be back? :( I miss not seeing 'Fragged by Warnell' on my screen :(
Posted on 09 December 2004 at 14:33:17 by Lyor.  0/5

i know, so i took my chance and took the record while you're still gone, sneaky, but probably the only way to do it :)

Posted on 10 December 2004 at 01:17:12 by warnell.  0/5

i will be in iraq like the 20th of janurary
Posted on 11 December 2004 at 17:14:58 by Cheeetos.  0/5

eep - not too long till then but long time after :(
Posted on 14 December 2004 at 20:27:23 by yourbutt.  0/5

hey hey all this is what i see when i play quake, the model name is bender, so u can just imagin. looooool well i use force modle as well so u are all benders LOOOOOOOOL
Posted on 14 December 2004 at 20:29:04 by yourbutt.  0/5

o one thing, my fps, this is as high as thay go, :(, but i hope to get a new grafics card soon then i will have laods more fps :) btw 20 is bad, anting about 50 is best. to see them go to console and out cg_drawfps 1
Posted on 15 December 2004 at 20:54:29 by Cheeetos.  0/5

100/125 best amigo

perhaps try to turn down ur visual settings amigo - otherwise you're gonna be very jittery
Posted on 19 December 2004 at 22:25:35 by warnell.  0/5

ahh i could have beat that.. damn... my problem is that the map was over at 10 minutes so the game stopped but still good job
Posted on 20 December 2004 at 09:55:01 by DutchDimension.  5/5




Mhuaha, :D I try to get it better, n1 lyor:D, n1 n1 n1

Posted on 09 April 2005 at 08:05:00 by Missy.  0/5

yey Im on second place lol :P Nice score Lyor but see how close I am :D
Posted on 17 April 2005 at 01:19:49 by Lyor.  0/5

yea, exactly how i wanted it, on top with missy right next to me ;)
Posted on 27 August 2005 at 21:09:22 by Tibi.  0/5

It is been big! not? hehehe 
Posted on 16 February 2006 at 18:37:07 by jero.  0/5

24 unfreezes in 10 min is a record too i think

hehe i think not :p


this was after 5 minutes ended with 81 in 10

greetz jero

Posted on 29 April 2006 at 13:31:13 by Manuel.  0/5

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