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yeah...ping helps, but 25/2 its still nice!

gg stema!

Profile - DutchDimension
Login DutchDimension
Member is: Offline
Posts 290
Comments thnx guys! same to u all! (04/18/2009)
To start an eFreeze server. You must put... (04/14/2006)
/cg_LOADlyormode /LYORMODE_LOADED... (12/20/2004)
I got one like this to! but then leaning... (12/11/2004)
lol he cant get that score, even not with... (11/29/2004)
I assume they all fell into the lava and... (09/30/2004)
....Hail to the mighty quaker.. (as long... (09/19/2004)
Nice NasHua, TsW!!!!! (06/04/2004)
try...... (05/31/2004)
Eheheh yeah it was quite a quick match :D.... (05/30/2004)
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