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The last record for the 2004!! gg lyor!!!

Profile - Steven
Login Steven
Member is: Offline
Posts 133
Comments oehh, colder (04/10/2005)
O_o niceee! (01/08/2005)
woooowie, and hah was kicking ass 2!! nice... (01/08/2005)
go lyor go lyor! niceeee!!! 10.59 ^^ LOONIES!... (12/08/2004)
`heheh (11/29/2004)
woohoo hope this is as good as the eas ... (11/07/2004)
n1! (11/07/2004)
toooooolaaaaaaaas kiiiiiiiiing!! master... (10/24/2004)
omg~! impressive man very nice!! hehehhe... (10/24/2004)
n1 hyper (10/13/2004)
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