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Happy new year!
Posted on 01 January 2010 at 15:58:00 by Ben.

333 is happy to wish you all a happy new year :)
May this new dawn bring lots of happiness, good times and fun to you and your loved ones!
Goodbye 2009... Welcome 2010!
Meet the new 333ers
Posted on 04 October 2009 at 14:10:00 by Ben.
With the new long-awaited season of eFreeze, 333 is proud to announce we have recruited 4 additionnal players so all please hail:
Benedikt (aka 333zodiac)
Dan (aka 333monkey)
Iliana (aka 333Ina)
Thibaut (aka 333tokz)
Welcome to 333 lady & gents!
May we rock on this season and defend our colors just like in the old days :-)
333 Public Server Information!
Posted on 09 April 2008 at 18:38:00 by Decky.
Hey everyone! We proudly present our server current rotation with the image example and there you can see what customs we are using. Customs in use at the moment is:
fr3dm1, pro-q3tourney7, jaxdm8, ztn3tourney1, tscabdm2, natedm2, q3zvendm1, 5+, asnatourney1, annoyance, overkill, bubdm1, ospdm8 and ctf_spunky1.
You can download all one by one from this site:
There is also added older maps which might get playing time later on. As you know, all maps are .pk3 files and should be placed to your Quake III Arena/baseq3 folder. Thats it! =D. Then just go fraggin n' stuffz ;>
27.4.2008: New map introduced! Its called q3zvendm1. 18.4.2008: Added custom ctf map ctf_spunky1. 13.4.2008: Added ctf to our server (q3ctf1 & q3ctf2) with 20 secs autothaw time. That should keep ctf action much betta!
Here's the rotation image: