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wtf reb(-64) and exp(-85)!!! this is a record!!! should i say "well done"? lol :)
Screenshots - Categories
333 Clan Shots (3) High Ping Score Shots (0)
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Misc (14) Old Score Shots (0)
Score Shots 2004 (17) Score Shots 2005 (2)
Top 10 - Screenshots
Title Hits Date
Xmas05: war1 winner - Cheeetos 474 28515 01/08/2006
Xmas05: war2 winner - Xman 400 28613 01/08/2006
Xmas05: None-Chee 333 29546 01/08/2006
Xmas05: Ring2 319 27576 01/08/2006
Best Final Score: Gambit 81 27452 04/03/2005
Best Score in 1 min: Razer 24 28414 04/03/2005
Best Score in 10 mins: Ging 84 28356 03/20/2005
Best Score in 0 mins: Asylum 17 26431 03/20/2005
Best Score in 5 mins: PizzaTag 42 27538 03/13/2005
Best Score in 5 mins: Mat 42 27570 03/13/2005
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