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 I have 0.03 ping worse than yesterday, can u set /rate 3,323.34323?

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Omg!! 5 Tarzan for one Jane!!! something wrong in that jungle!!!

Anyway, it sounds like u'll be very busy Jane!! :)

Profile - Lyor
Login Lyor
Member is: Offline
Posts 441
Comments ty stema :) (05/21/2006)
ok, here's how it goes r kid > lyor... (01/19/2006)
never left quake! took a small break and... (01/19/2006)
jester u noob ;p (01/19/2006)
god i miss my loonies :/ (01/19/2006)
Hah! Beat my 215 in 25, keep on training... (01/19/2006)
Look better Mad, it says his played time... (01/19/2006)
yea this mod owns all the other freeze mods,... (09/11/2005)
woohoo i'm there! and i didn't do anything... (09/11/2005)
how can the models be so bright red and... (04/25/2005)
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