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Nice final score for nashua of tsw 109 in 20 minutes!! gg
Profile - yourbutt
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Member is: Offline
Posts 351
Comments lupus u can still submitt it for the high... (01/02/2006)
lol (09/14/2005)
have to say well done NonEy what the... (09/11/2005)
king u dont read do u, i already said how... (06/28/2005)
yup witha rail trail time like that they... (02/09/2005)
lol :) (02/09/2005)
yea that sound ok (01/16/2005)
o one thing, my fps, this is as high... (12/14/2004)
hey hey all this is what i see when i... (12/14/2004)
hmmm, ok on a closer look i can see that... (12/13/2004)
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