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Maaan!! this is the best score i've ever seen!!! unfortunatelly no one has taken the 10 minute shot for the chart, but it still remain impressive!! 9.27 average!!


Score Shots 2004
Here u can find scores that were in our score shots chart in the 2004

Screenshots - Sub-categories
Final High Ping Chart 2004 (6) Final Low Ping Chart 2004 (9)
Screenshots - Score Shots 2004

Best score in 1 min: Lupus 20

28836 Hits

Best Score in 2 mins: Stema 25 points

28137 Hits

Best Score in 10 mins: Warnell 79

26551 Hits

Best score in 0 mins: Warnell 14

26369 Hits

Best Final Score: Nashua 109

27274 Hits

Best Final Score: Cheetos 130

28745 Hits

Best Final Score: Nashua 145

28668 Hits

Best Score in 5 mins: Kose 37

28435 Hits

Best Score in 0 mins: Moby Dick 8

28793 Hits

Best score in 1 min: Spc 21

27620 Hits

Best Score in 5 mins: Dolphin 40

28353 Hits

Best Score in 5 mins: Dolph 44

28751 Hits
 1  2  >>
Screenshots : 12/17
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