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Lol!! have u ever seen a score like this? 1000 points in 22 minutes!! massive luc_i! :)
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Best Score in 3 mins: Lyor 39

God-Like Lyor made a new record!! gg mate!!

old records: kose 34, hypercube 33

Hits : 27621
7 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 2
Posted on 06 January 2005 at 08:02:08 by Cheeetos.  0/5

nice grandpa :)
Posted on 08 January 2005 at 21:29:18 by Steven.  5/5

O_o niceee!
Posted on 22 January 2005 at 22:21:17 by Anonym.  0/5

hola a  todos los invesiles del pais por tan estupidos que sean me da igual desgraciados de mierda valen callapa no saben ni jugar entero estupidos si quieresn chatear con migo (msn)lector_66@hotmail.com desgraciados de mierda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aprendan a jugar entero estupidos si no estoy conectado en el msn dragones_1810@msn.com o siglo_xx8@hotmail.com si es que se atreven mierdas asquerosas saven que mas  ffilo con ustedes ls desgraciados d mierda

Posted on 11 February 2005 at 17:14:05 by Lupus.  5/5

Dam ya Lyor! ;) I had 38 in 3, but my ping was around 100. I'll keep trying.

Anyway, nicely done.

Posted on 02 January 2006 at 00:43:50 by yourbutt.  0/5

lupus u can still submitt it for the high ping score i think that the record there :p nice Lyor!
Posted on 05 October 2006 at 22:27:21 by Anonym.  0/5


Posted on 28 December 2006 at 15:20:22 by Anonym.  0/5

pls tell me how to make a efreeze server ... if u have the commands give me plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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