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Best score in 10 mins: Fill 86

ladies and gentlemen we r in front of a great record! 8.6 average beating our "everlasting" record by warnell! very nice mate! Skills imporve and records as well... who will be the next?

old records: warnell 79

Hits : 28341
14 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 3
Posted on 21 October 2004 at 20:55:15 by Cheeetos.  0/5

ahh i remember this game :)

pld filly :D


           pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
Posted on 21 October 2004 at 23:29:58 by Kose.  0/5

Impressive...very impressive...wow!!!

Great Fill,so i can say that i learn you to play good..

Posted on 22 October 2004 at 00:25:40 by Lyor.  0/5

muhaha, you waited to the 10:59 second for this shot, very nice man, i hope i find the luck to beat it :)
Posted on 22 October 2004 at 00:46:45 by Anonym.  5/5

nooooooooooooo why did u leave 222 if you had the 222 tag on 222 would be on the map
Posted on 22 October 2004 at 11:57:42 by fillthee.  0/5

hehe .. thank you thank you  and lyor.. stfu ! hehe.. no good eyes man . I am the king
Posted on 22 October 2004 at 14:07:43 by MaD JaK.  5/5




man that looks smart

Posted on 24 October 2004 at 15:41:25 by Steven.  5/5

omg~! impressive man very nice!! hehehhe 10:59 ^^
Posted on 25 October 2004 at 16:36:50 by Cheeetos.  0/5


Posted on 28 October 2004 at 17:38:46 by Anonym.  0/5

great fill....
Posted on 29 November 2004 at 16:36:17 by yourbutt.  0/5

wow that is juat wow,




to questions tho, firstly how do i get it to display the time, and sceond what was the map.



Posted on 30 November 2004 at 23:34:35 by MaD JaK.  0/5

I asked that b4 but no one ansured so i sent out and bought a clock and put it next to my pc :)
Posted on 01 December 2004 at 08:23:23 by Cheeetos.  0/5

Cheee to teh rescue :p

/cg_drawtimer 1

- no real use in freeze but meh
Posted on 04 December 2004 at 19:51:07 by MaD JaK.  0/5

hewhehehe i love the gfix lol how lods your pc ?
Posted on 14 December 2004 at 12:44:22 by fillthee.  0/5

lol u were pleeeeeeeeeeeee :D man, :D

hehe, greets from coldy coldy switzerland

cya cheee-freAk :P

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