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ladies and gentlemen we r in front of a great record! 8.6 average beating our "everlasting" record by warnell! very nice mate! Skills imporve and records as well... who will be the next?

old records: warnell 79

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Freeze Grapple Web

Omg! who did transform this map in a spider web??!

thx to Moby Dick for contribute

Hits : 28015
5 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 1
Posted on 06 February 2005 at 20:38:44 by moby_dick.  0/5

LOL ! Paaaaa has said his hard word about that... (look to top of the pic) Hahaha !
Posted on 06 February 2005 at 20:43:23 by Mr*K!nG.  5/5

omg what the hell...
Posted on 06 February 2005 at 22:03:51 by Cheeetos.  0/5

ehheehhe n1

can do it with rail too :p /cg_railtrailtime 99999999

Posted on 09 February 2005 at 13:47:18 by yourbutt.  0/5

yup witha rail trail time like that they will stay for ever. lol nice
Posted on 11 July 2005 at 13:54:24 by Anonym.  0/5

how did u make it, whaat comand?
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