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The last record for the 2004!! gg lyor!!!

Profile - Lupus
Login Lupus
Member is: Offline
Posts 94
Comments Blizzard? I thought that the game was made... (03/13/2005)
Check EMS server, Maddy. (03/02/2005)
Thankee :D (02/14/2005)
Dam ya Lyor! ;) I had 38 in 3, but my ping... (02/11/2005)
Well done man :) (10/03/2004)
Nice Hit. ;) (09/23/2004)
Ehhh... "let me back, let me back,... (09/15/2004)
Sweet! (08/04/2004)
Lots of jump pads, obstacles that keep you... (07/01/2004)
Em... I think it's based on dm17. 17++ ;)... (07/01/2004)
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