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And here is the other special award for best score in the second 90 minutes war we had for xmas party 2004!

gg king!!

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Quake Matrix
Man this shots seems to be taken directly form the matrix trilogy!
Hits : 29669
11 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 3
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 16:09:21 by MaD JaK.  0/5

lol it looks like to me it was taken just as she was falling over lol
Posted on 08 December 2004 at 22:44:12 by p0isoN.  0/5

Posted on 11 December 2004 at 17:10:46 by DutchDimension.  0/5

I got one like this to! but then leaning to the right a lot :D
Posted on 11 December 2004 at 18:27:53 by Lyor.  0/5

got this from spc? Extreme Quality (c)!! 
Posted on 13 December 2004 at 15:44:57 by Spc.  0/5

yes it's mine =) my team player was lagging hard ... and there .. i took a picture

Posted on 13 December 2004 at 19:55:27 by Anonym.  0/5

Lol cool screen:D:D


Posted on 13 December 2004 at 23:35:22 by MaD JaK.  5/5

 Extreme Quality 

what gfx card have you got ?

Posted on 22 December 2004 at 13:42:55 by Anonym.  0/5

haha matrix who is? spcoooo


Posted on 29 December 2004 at 23:23:33 by Anonym.  5/5

whehhe :)....pretty sexy pose if you'd ask me!! cool shot! greetz...impiro!!
Posted on 09 February 2005 at 12:46:25 by MaD JaK.  0/5

u need to get out more impro


Posted on 28 April 2008 at 19:24:47 by EneZ.  5/5

How u have Change ur Railgung
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