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Omg! who did transform this map in a spider web??!

thx to Moby Dick for contribute

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Best Score in 10 mins: Warnell 79

With a 7.9 per minute average this seems to be unbeatable!

Can someone do better?

Hits : 26552
16 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 5
Posted on 03 June 2004 at 10:29:54 by Anonym.  0/5

lol no its not i do it all the time :P



Welcome to my court where i make the rules and i get the last laugh. Jester


Posted on 03 June 2004 at 10:30:05 by Anonym.  5/5

forgot stars
Posted on 08 June 2004 at 00:13:40 by Notme.  0/5

BEAUTIFUL  !!!!!    :)
Posted on 23 July 2004 at 17:28:36 by Steven.  5/5

... i had 78 in 10.. very nice warnell!!
Posted on 28 September 2004 at 20:37:32 by Hitman.  0/5

Yup top stuff. Ok so this comment is like 6 months late.
Posted on 14 October 2004 at 23:18:30 by MaD JaK.  0/5

Posted on 20 December 2004 at 15:42:20 by Titan.  0/5

7,9 per minute is not unbeatable ^_^ maybe in freeze it is, but in ctf

I've done it many times, and also got around 12-13 per minute sometimes..

Ask Cheeetos, he knows :)

Posted on 03 February 2005 at 11:48:00 by Anonym.  0/5

lol, that must be long ago, i see a firefox player.

Posted on 25 April 2005 at 23:37:28 by MaD JaK.  0/5

w0w i miss him like hell

Posted on 12 October 2005 at 11:41:43 by Mr*K!nG.  0/5

Posted on 18 March 2006 at 14:53:05 by Chips.  0/5

auto auto:D
Posted on 13 March 2007 at 10:29:09 by d3/\+H.  5/5

Posted on 18 March 2006 at 14:53:05 by Chips. auto auto:D i think he just were using new auto-bfg-freezer and basically freeze everything arround even teammates lol :>>>
Posted on 18 November 2007 at 12:33:40 by evolution.  0/5


Easy =]

Posted on 28 June 2008 at 01:44:55 by Mr*K!nG.  0/5

Warnell was the man, wish he would be back
Posted on 26 August 2008 at 15:37:34 by warnell.  5/5

yea that was a dominating game, on a non ctf map
Posted on 27 August 2008 at 16:50:52 by warnell.  5/5

with only 7 people to shoot at
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