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This is the first apparition of 333 in the arena!
it was the 11 of April 2004! wearing the old tag style! lol! :)

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Score Shots 2004 (17) Score Shots 2005 (2)
Best Score in 1 min: Ging 21
First record for this 2005!! welcome to Ging and his very nice 21 in 1 minute!
Hits : 28182
Posted on 06 February 2005 at 20:10:11 by Mr*K!nG.  0/5

hehe poT^ power ;)
Posted on 06 February 2005 at 22:01:47 by Cheeetos.  0/5

n1 gingy
Posted on 07 February 2005 at 08:43:59 by GinG.  0/5

yeah thx was a pleasure for me ... omg that was ONI style too ;)
Posted on 25 February 2005 at 11:13:37 by Anonym.  0/5

nice one ging .. small map, but not many thaws, respect!
Posted on 04 March 2005 at 15:30:03 by Anonym.  0/5

yeah nice ... i had 19 in 1 ... i was upset :P
Posted on 10 March 2005 at 15:10:30 by GinG.  0/5

going to send in my new record wa about 22 or 23 in 1 :p
but dont know what to do because had 84 in 10 the same way to on this game ... so what should i post ;)
Posted on 14 March 2005 at 08:30:00 by Mr*K!nG.  0/5

post em both you can have 2 records
Posted on 16 March 2005 at 11:12:35 by Bartek.  0/5

n1 ging :) :P


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