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Nice score for spc, 13 points in less than a minute is brillant!
n1 spc!
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Best Final Score: Nashua 145

New final score record with 145 points in 48 minutes (yeah, this is another record!  )

old records: cheetos 130, nashua 109

Hits : 28668
8 Comments - 4/5 - Votes : 2
Posted on 05 July 2004 at 23:53:41 by Killer.  3/5

this is maybe a good final score but 145 - 48 thats very long :S almost 3fraggs per min :S



Posted on 10 July 2004 at 11:53:35 by Anonym.  0/5

Posted on 11 July 2004 at 14:02:47 by Cheeetos.  5/5

KIller - true but after that length of time your hands and arms begin to ache..Which slows you down
Posted on 11 July 2004 at 14:09:25 by Anonym.  0/5

true but now :D cheetos rulez (again ) :D
Posted on 11 July 2004 at 15:30:30 by Cheeetos.  0/5

hehe :p

Meh if my new one is beaten i'm afraid it'll have to stay like it :(...Unless one day i decide to return...But its a damn high score, gl to all who try to beat it :D
Posted on 14 July 2004 at 20:37:48 by nashua.  0/5

:D almost am almost had you 182 ×-×
Posted on 23 September 2005 at 15:32:09 by Anonym.  0/5

omg it sux.. damn i have like 100 in 15 every game so this sux
Posted on 17 October 2005 at 08:08:09 by Hitman.  0/5

Its a very good effort indeed! Look at the map...its a massive map so its really hard to even find people in there!! And also what Cheee said! good job Nash.
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