
  333 Memebers: Jero - 7/27/2024 4:47:00 AM CET   
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 U told me i suck, thus i will leave quake!

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Very nice score for only 1 minute! gg razer

Old Scores: Ging 21


Real Name  Jeroen
Also known  Always used the name Jero
Location  Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Born  1982
Sex  Male
I like  Going out with friends especially to huge
 outdoorparty's ( Mysteryland - Sensation
 White), house, r&b, relaxing, bacardi cola,
 mexican food, chocolate, tanned
 brunettes :P, soccer and playing poker
 for real money online.
I dislike  People who are agressive towards other people
 they dont know and cheaters online.
Fav. Motto  In dutch: een dag niet gelachen is een dag niet

 Translation: A day without a laugh is a
 wasted day


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