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Maaan!! this is the best score i've ever seen!!! unfortunatelly no one has taken the 10 minute shot for the chart, but it still remain impressive!! 9.27 average!!


Profile - adam*pl
Login adam*pl
Member is: Offline
Posts 792
Comments Oh man, text on egg is in polish lol :P... (04/12/2009)
updated :) (01/05/2009)
well, it wasnt photoshop, it was MS PAINT... (12/26/2008)
we still can run more servers ;) (06/09/2007)
yay rotfl sve < : D (01/24/2007)
i know what im saying ;) There is a bug... (09/17/2006)
pwned by zidane http://pix.nofrag.co... (07/10/2006)
good job guys from OC :) But don't forget... (04/23/2006)
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