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It's the first record in this chart for him..but we can only say it seems he had a good start! gg king!

old records: Dolphin 44, Dolphin 40, Kose' 37

01/10/2006 - The Moving Day
Site News... Posted on 03 September 2006 at 15:45:00 by Stema.


Stay tuned for news...

As you have surely noticed, the q3 1.31 efreeze world is not what it once was! There are many players that cheat, use wallhack, spamm us and many things more! We feel it is time to make a change!
We thought long about a way to bring back the “old times” – The ONLY way we see to get them back is to move our whole community to 1.32. We know there are problems with cd-keys, punkbuster and all that, but we are sure these problems can be solved! And this little step will surely change things to the better!
We need all and everybody to move to 1.32 - otherwise our plan will fail!
Go 1.32 Go Go! :)

On October the first we will move all the community servers to 1.32


 1.32 Community Forum - this is where u can ask for help or find infos about 1.32
 1.32 Point Release - this is the quake patch to play on 1.32 servers
 Efreeze Mod - this is the official community mod, we love it :)
 NEW 1.32 Efreeze Server Watcher - to check the status of all our monitored servers (contact adam to add your server)
 NEW 1.32 Efreeze Maps - here u can find all maps used in our community servers
 Map Pack 01 - first set of many maps suitable to be played on efreeze
 Map Pack 02 - second set of many maps suitable to be played on efreeze
 All Seeing Eye - with this tool u can easly browse all servers online (its way faster than internal quake browser)
 Q3 Version Switcher - with this tool u will be able to switch to different quake versions

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15 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 6
Posted on 03 September 2006 at 16:25:16 by evolution.  0/5

yayyyy yipppeee... can't wait.

Whoever dont have 1.32 or PB you can dl from this site (clan333.com) on downloads. (pb comes with the 1.32 version)

yeah so get it, kthx.

Q3 1.32 Point Release:


Posted on 04 September 2006 at 14:31:43 by Burzyk.  0/5

At last
Posted on 04 September 2006 at 21:09:59 by D0Lph1N.  0/5

Sir YES Sir !
Posted on 13 September 2006 at 19:02:32 by kat.  0/5

server 1.32b or 1.32c ?
Posted on 13 September 2006 at 22:39:42 by KrzychuG.  5/5

1.32c fixes some problems like too long 'info strings' which usually crashes server (somebody used that on mine few times). 1.32c is the most secure (except ioquake3 which doesn't support PB) so why shouldn't it be used?
Posted on 14 September 2006 at 14:47:31 by Anonym.  0/5

1.32 c sux! :) shiva told me it doesnt work good. my server is secured and u can't crash it via long 'info strings' Adam.
Posted on 14 September 2006 at 15:01:31 by KrzychuG.  5/5

How can it suck if it fixes few security holes and buffer overflows only? It has nothing to do with gameplay itself. Well, mine server is secured again 'info string' crash as well but there is one more but without a fix for now.
Posted on 17 September 2006 at 01:41:50 by adam*pl.  0/5

i know what im saying ;)
There is a bug where u can get root access to server if u are running q3 as root, but who is running q3 as root rotfl!
Posted on 17 September 2006 at 15:13:07 by KrzychuG.  5/5

Maybe you're right. After a short check i realized that most 1.32 server are still running on 1.32b. Well, if we wouldn't require PB i'd rather use ioquake3 instead of 1.32b or 1.32c ;P Meanwhile i'm playin' with some statistics, result here: http://hide.pl/~arcain/vsp :)
Posted on 21 September 2006 at 11:34:45 by Anonym.  0/5

Posted on 23 September 2006 at 13:27:14 by Svarog.  5/5

CHR Clan will move too at this date to 1.32c. I hope players will follow this change !
Posted on 01 October 2006 at 22:59:31 by none.  0/5

should be 1.32b i guess ..
Posted on 27 October 2006 at 21:13:31 by BRITISH.  0/5

Dont you think the move to 1.32 has gone tits up :P i mean the only servers being used are all 1.31 - Shame really all the excitment for nothing
Posted on 06 June 2022 at 11:39:28 by Anonym.  5/5

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Posted on 14 October 2023 at 02:41:46 by Anonym.  5/5

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