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Lol!! have u ever seen a score like this? 1000 points in 22 minutes!! massive luc_i! :)
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Best Score in 3 mins: Lupus 31
Great score for 3 mins and great ping!! gj lupe!
Hits : 28277
6 Comments - 4.2/5 - Votes : 4
Posted on 05 June 2004 at 23:02:55 by skully.  5/5

1 every 6 seconds! Yeeeehahhh!
Posted on 08 June 2004 at 00:29:27 by Notme.  2/5

LUPUS HOW YOU DO THIS???? hehe o ''zesz'' kurwa :D:D:D
Posted on 28 September 2004 at 20:43:42 by Hitman.  0/5

Ahh nice one lups.
Posted on 01 October 2004 at 20:19:49 by MaD JaK.  5/5

nice score kid

Posted on 11 March 2006 at 13:21:20 by Anonym.  0/5

nice thaw xD
Posted on 11 March 2024 at 05:32:15 by Anonym.  5/5

Is there anybody here, that played 15-20 years ago lol! I been itching to play again. 1 shot every 6 seconds is possible. $ph!nX
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