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Well its not freeze but it still remains a record!! 2088u (unities? boh!) while strafe jumping!! soo fast!! :)

Done by blanca in defrag mod, gg!

New maps poll and site news
Site News... Posted on 20 June 2004 at 18:22:00 by Stema.

First of all u can see we now have 4 servers up and active: gt turbo(24, tdm), 2v2serv1(4, tdm, testing new 333freeze pak files), 2v2serv2(4,tdm) and 1v1serv (6, tourney).

Second, many of u asked for new maps. After 6++, overkill and monkshaven (all downloadable from this site) we want to test u2a map and the well known wtf-q3a_v2 map pack; in the new poll we made u will be able to vote which map to add in the standard rotation list, while the other will be available by voting. All maps will be available fot testing pourpose on 2v2serv2 and 1v1serv, just the time u can download them form this site.

All details and other news here: www.clan333.com/news.asp?id=8

All news:

Read : 33812 | Back
Posted on 20 June 2004 at 23:20:59 by REBTOR.  0/5

nice word's stema :)
Posted on 21 June 2004 at 13:54:49 by Kose.  0/5

Congratulation Stema,finally i can play 1vs1...i need it....


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