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Great record for a great ping! :) n1 to aragorn with his 27 in 2 minutes!!
Profile - D0Lph1N
Login D0Lph1N
Member is: Offline
Posts 96
Comments yep hitbot still sux XD (09/30/2006)
Thx Hitty! Im in 2006 now :P (09/08/2006)
Sir YES Sir ! (09/04/2006)
Bartek aka muchroom ? (03/22/2005)
lolly (10/05/2004)
what can i say? just this 1 ? htt... (10/05/2004)
ommg nice ;) (10/04/2004)
nice impiro :) dolphy need 2 do new... (09/30/2004)
and forget to say ...GO 333 GOOOO!!!! :D (09/14/2004)
I wanna know true to :P thx guyz ... (09/14/2004)
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