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Very nice score for impiro! good job m8!

Old Scores: Spc 21, Lupus 20, Hitman 18

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Luc_I --> 1000 points!!!!
Lol!! have u ever seen a score like this? 1000 points in 22 minutes!! massive luc_i! :)
Hits : 28520
10 Comments - 3/5 - Votes : 4
Posted on 03 July 2004 at 17:07:55 by Anonym.  0/5

wow nice !!!


Posted on 03 July 2004 at 17:31:20 by Luc_i.  1/5

i was really bored :)

Posted on 05 July 2004 at 19:47:20 by Anonym.  0/5

hye did you or do you have or ever had a bot or know where to get one if you still have one can you send it to falker_39@hotmail.com
Posted on 07 July 2004 at 16:00:26 by Luc_i.  1/5

Go to www.i'm-a-lamer.com ..maybe u can find useful things there..if u're talking about aimbots

Posted on 11 July 2004 at 16:06:02 by Cheeetos.  0/5

lol........Seen the comments of this now --- This is a decent freeze community that doesnt tolerate lamas...Now go on that site!

Posted on 14 October 2004 at 12:31:05 by MaD JaK.  5/5

lol pure madness still own you though lol onlt j/k


Posted on 14 December 2004 at 20:45:27 by p0isoN.  0/5

bfg-Arena ???
Posted on 19 February 2005 at 19:10:01 by MaD JaK.  0/5

i think if he used bfg there would not be whole boddys abotut on the flow i more think it might be some thing that makes them kill there selfs maby they just scard of luc_i lol
Posted on 20 March 2006 at 14:17:51 by evolution.  0/5

Did this a while ago, and felt like posting it, whos gonna beat it next? :0



Posted on 27 September 2006 at 22:53:46 by KrzychuG.  5/5

http://weed.lag.in/temp/plum.jpg :P
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