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Another good record for moby dick in the high ping section!! well done mate!
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Demos (4) EFREEZE (2)
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Title FreezeDT Mod

I think this is the best freeze mod ever created! Anti spawnfrags shield, a last man indicator, an anticheater autoban system, anti spammer admin commands, adjustable hook speed, multi player demo recording, possibility of rail jump and gauntlet jump and best of all finally an on screen clock!! lol :)

This is the most used freeze mod from 1.32, im sure u will like it as well!

Just download the zip file, put the entire freezedt directory (with 2 pk3 files inside) in your quake3 folder or just autodownload it from 333 servers.

Happy frag!

Date 09/07/04
Hits 2830
Size 0 Kb
Download time 0 second(s) via a 256 kbps-connection
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7 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 1
Posted on 19 September 2004 at 17:57:03 by Mr*K!nG.  5/5

FINALLY NO MORE CHEATERS. lol this feels like heaven :D
Posted on 14 November 2004 at 10:21:48 by REBTOR.  0/5

mmm that anti cheating system is not so great as it seem :( it kicks peeps when using no plain freezedt mod and bans peeps who use old bots new bots however will proberbly work this is why they invented punk buster it was not enough but indeed it is a start.
Posted on 19 February 2005 at 11:55:30 by Anonym.  0/5

i can't enter hod 1vs1 freezedt ... what is going on ??
Posted on 24 March 2005 at 14:37:21 by Anonym.  0/5

delete ur freezedt directory and put ur autodownload on ..

Posted on 13 January 2007 at 08:57:43 by Anonym.  0/5

Thanks for the files but when i download normal efreeze modes  in my q3 folder it didn`t work becouse when i start q3 and click mods there is no efreeze mode but now i will try whit this mode.. :) thanks anyway i want toask you how can i create efreeze server :)
Posted on 22 March 2008 at 14:52:36 by Anonym.  0/5

Is There A \Mod Command?
Posted on 10 June 2008 at 15:41:25 by Anonym.  0/5

um.. what is this?
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