
  Downloads - 7/27/2024 9:50:37 AM CET   
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It's the first record in this chart for him..but we can only say it seems he had a good start! gg king!

old records: Dolphin 44, Dolphin 40, Kose' 37

Here u can find some nice demos recorded in 1.31 freeze tag

Downloads - Sub-categories
Clan Wars (8)  
Title Date Hits
2v2 Match: Gothca None vs Blanca Stijn 05/16/04 1291
2v2 Toruney '04: Mat Goku vs Gotcha Dolphin 3-1 05/16/04 1251
Race: funny race with grapple 05/16/04 1242
Race: in Sleep Map 05/16/04 1267
Total downloads : 4
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