
  333 Memebers: Oldy - 7/27/2024 3:54:01 PM CET   
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The last record for the 2004!! gg lyor!!!



Real Name  Sebastian
Also known  Seb,Sepp,Pepp
Country  Trier - Germany
Born  1985
Sex  Male
I like  Volleyball, Firefighting :-p  watchin films
 in cinema, spendin time with my girlfreind,
 of course EATING, spendin holiday
 in the snow, I love skiing
I dislike  football, as I am really not good
 in handling my own feet :-p, being ill,
 that should be forbidden,arrogant people
 sayin lol every time u frag them
Fav. Motto  Catch me if u can!


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