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great score and great ping for pizzatag (aka stealth)!

nice job!

Xmas Party 05 Shots and news
Site News... Posted on 08 January 2006 at 14:16:00 by Stema.

Ciao guys, happy 2006 to all :)
First of all the main news is that we got a new member; it wasnt an easy join but at the end Lyor decided to join our group! Of course he doesn't need any introdution, he is one of the most skilled guy in the scene and one of the main actor in this community! Welcome aboard mate, we will pass sweet times together!

The second news delas with the final shots of the 100 minutes Xmas Mega War 2005. Due to some problems of quake handling a lot of players in the same server, we opted for 2 simultaneous wars 100 minutes time limit and no score limit. The challenge was to make more points possible and also to be so lucky not to be kicked by the server :) The 2 winners of this year are Cheeetos with an incredible 474 final score (any time record) and XMan on the other server with a great 400. Cheeetos also had the thawing record with 164 (bastarddooo only 2 more than me :)) while XMan has the longest match duration with 99 minutes no stop! I also want to mention a shot taken when None (b4 being kicked by server) and Cheeetos had both 333 points (lol, go 333 go :) ) and a very nice score of Ring2 with 319 in 81 minutes!

What to say more? See u next year for the Xmas Party 2006 :)

PS: this year we will restart the score chart. Only EFREEZE scoreboard shots will be allowed and pls send your pics at info@clan333.com instead of trying to upload them by yourselves, ty :)



XMAN - 400

also check those out


RING2 - 319

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Posted on 08 January 2006 at 15:11:44 by MaD JaK.  0/5

nice scores for all fingers must be hurting the day after though lol
Posted on 09 January 2006 at 21:47:19 by MaD JaK.  0/5

also welldone to lyor for getting in 333 i dont seam to have a email asking me to join :S can u send it again :D
Posted on 26 February 2006 at 03:58:59 by Anonym.  0/5

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