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EFreeze Mod, EF Tourney, new member, new records and more!
Posted on 20 March 2005 at 14:00:00 by Stema.
Ciao all guys! This update is particulary relevant cos we have so many great and important news for this community! So lets get started with the main issue: EFreeze mod coding has started!! As u may already know None has started the coding of a new community mod, collecting all suggestions from all the players of this community and trying to create the best mod for us, suiting our requests at best! With the help of Rebtor we r already beta testing his work-in-progress but soon the mod will be available for public beta tests and finally for release! We have created an efreeze forum section just for discussing the new features, bugs claims and to-do lists:we need the help of u all, cos who better than u all knows what we want from a new mod? 
The second point is that once the mod will be tested enaugh and stable we will use it for the first EFreeze Tourney! Rebtor, Dutch and MadJack are writing down the rules and the site of the tourney, so get in touch with them for news!
As for clan matters after losing our last clan war with oni (3-2) we decided to reorganize the clan:too many players missed that match and play few! Some r put in the inactive list some decided to go, good luck to them! On the other side we finally get in our group Absinthe!! Welcome aboard Andi mate, we will have nice times together.
As for the records part, well, we have tons of new great records: As for low ping section we have a great Asylum with 0-17, Mat with 5-42 and Ging at his second record with 10-84. For the high ping section Xaero did 2 great records, 0-15 and 1-19 and PizzaTag a good 5-42. Great great job mates! A new strange "0 ping match" in the misc section has added, check it out.
Finally we added clan NQT in our friendly clans list and we have a new poll abnout what we'd like more from the new EFreeze Mod:give us your opionion!
As usual, ciao all and frag like hell! 
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