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Maaan!! this is the best score i've ever seen!!! unfortunatelly no one has taken the 10 minute shot for the chart, but it still remain impressive!! 9.27 average!!


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Best Score in 0 mins: Moby Dick 8
Nice score with 220 ping for Moby!! gg
Hits : 28794
6 Comments - 5/5 - Votes : 3
Posted on 01 August 2004 at 15:33:55 by moby_dick.  0/5

Hehe ! Thx !
Posted on 06 September 2004 at 18:33:55 by MaD JaK.  5/5

yes this picture makes me look ok
Posted on 06 September 2004 at 21:59:29 by moby_dick.  0/5

some times i can be too cruel man :)
Posted on 08 September 2004 at 18:49:31 by MaD JaK.  5/5

sorry to see you with the lagg but nice score

i dont like it when people have very low pings eg: 0-5

nice to see high pings can do as good a jobs as the others

Posted on 13 September 2004 at 03:11:38 by moby_dick.  0/5

To MaD JaK : Thx ! My pings match better now ! I don't know what's happened with my network, but my pings less than 100 now (for 333 TDM GT TURBO)! LOL !
Posted on 26 September 2004 at 15:36:18 by MaD JaK.  5/5

haha mines been going down to 45 often lol i love it
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