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Woow!! he scored 474 with 164 thaws!!! he is the 2005 record man!! gg chee!!
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Best Score in 5 mins: Kose 37
Nice score for kose!! as u always say... rocco is behind u!! :)
Hits : 28436
10 Comments - 4.5/5 - Votes : 8
Posted on 03 August 2004 at 22:46:30 by Mr*K!nG.  5/5

hehe my man Kose nice one
Posted on 10 August 2004 at 22:59:58 by MaD JaK.  5/5

ha my old clan PRO how i loved it nice score kose
Posted on 10 August 2004 at 23:00:39 by MaD JaK.  5/5

how old is this pic any way
Posted on 10 August 2004 at 23:02:11 by MaD JaK.  5/5

and wtf is that purple bit in that piclittle dots all over
Posted on 16 August 2004 at 11:50:25 by Anonym.  0/5

write /cg_oldrail 0 and if u shoot, u get those dots

Posted on 06 September 2004 at 22:10:21 by MaD JaK.  5/5

errrrrrrrrrrr i got 40 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Posted on 07 September 2004 at 17:40:29 by MaD JaK.  5/5

how do i post it here

!222!MaD-JaK 40 points  

                    5 min


do i just post is to info@clan333.com ??????????

i have all redy done this but nothing has changed

Posted on 07 September 2004 at 17:59:49 by MaD JaK.  5/5



Posted on 10 September 2004 at 18:53:16 by Anonym.  0/5

Don't laugh too load mad jak :P.

Posted on 11 September 2004 at 16:39:24 by Anonym.  1/5

 i go cry now u made me look like a noob again



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