
  333 Memebers: Missy - 7/27/2024 2:53:42 AM CET   
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 Just here to say hello, i suck, Im depressed!

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Nice score with 220 ping for Moby!! gg

Real Name  Judith
Also known  Xana, Jane
Country  Spain untill 1984, Holland till now
Born  1982
Sex  Female
I like  Music - Anouk, Red Hot Chili Peppers,
 Bon Jovi etc.
 Food - Lasagna, Paella
 Summer at the beach :)
 Hanging out with friends
 Books: Tolkien and some other fantasy
 Film - Lord of the Rings and Leon
I dislike  My ex-boyfriend, people who think 
they know everything
Fav. Motto  

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