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Maaan!! this is the best score i've ever seen!!! unfortunatelly no one has taken the 10 minute shot for the chart, but it still remain impressive!! 9.27 average!!


Profile - impiro
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Posts 93
Comments so youre calling me a cheater or what are... (10/30/2004)
damn...great!! (10/30/2004)
yeah very impresive but stema you di soemthign... (10/30/2004)
incredible :) and guys also look @ the map... (10/30/2004)
:D (10/30/2004)
okok...enough discussions about this score... (10/23/2004)
ehhe steven i knwo its low from me...but... (10/15/2004)
im sooo proud :D:D....i broek my own record... (10/03/2004)
rights (09/18/2004)
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