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Here is the special award for best score in the first 90 minutes war we had for xmas party 2004!

gg lyor!!

Old Friends Server - Part II
Site News... Posted on 04 July 2007 at 10:35:00 by absinthe.

Welcome all :-)

It's time for the second part of the "Old Friends Server"! We hope it will be as much fun as last time. By the way, all settings, rules, server adress and password stay the same! If anyone wants the password, get it from Adam or Abz! Let's rock again!

Date: Sunday, 20.00 CEST.  

Read : 33862 | Back
Posted on 04 July 2007 at 11:21:14 by atrey.  0/5

Make it more slots for a case.
Posted on 04 July 2007 at 12:06:34 by Freddy.  0/5

I hope i can be there this time :s
Posted on 04 July 2007 at 14:23:27 by Highlamer.  0/5

ill try to be there too

Posted on 09 July 2007 at 16:17:36 by atrey.  0/5

Didn't make it. Was it fun?
Posted on 28 August 2007 at 21:45:45 by MaD JaK.  0/5

this makes me wana come back

 shall start playing again

Posted on 29 August 2007 at 19:38:34 by zodiac.  0/5

why not?:p
Posted on 29 August 2007 at 19:39:19 by zodiac.  0/5

btw why not making a part 3 soon?;)
Posted on 01 September 2007 at 14:37:09 by MaD JaK.  0/5

maby part 3


Posted on 29 November 2007 at 19:25:37 by Anonym.  0/5

hö i ask the old HoD's ^^ ;) by soberex
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