
  333 Memebers: Tiv - 7/27/2024 9:49:47 AM CET   
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yeah...ping helps, but 25/2 its still nice!

gg stema!



Real Name  Steve
Also known  T1v.
Country  Binche - Belgium
Born  1984
Sex  Male
I like  Music (House, Dance, Rap, Electro, Rock).
 Going out with friends. vodka coca,
 whiskey coca:p^^. Soccer,Girls...
 and QUAKE 3 !
I dislike  The bad players who say that I cheat.:p
 The bad cops who believe it quite allowed.
Fav. Motto  Lived as if you had to die tomorrow.
 Learn as if you had to live always.
Carpe diem... :D(Sorry for my english)..

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