
  333 Memebers: pSylle - 2/8/2025 11:04:12 AM CET   
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When gigs comes back in the laggy EU servers, he is always  remarkable!! n1 gigs!


Real Name  David
Also known  ^}:8 (the cow), ^Nietzsche, Tuxedomoon,
 Bauhaus, UnnamedPlayer (yeah! that was me!)
Location  Nantes-France
Born  1975
Sex  Male
I like  Pool, making music (ages ago), movies
 (The Pillow Book, Blade runner, so many...),
 Games, etc...
I dislike  War, people who judge before knowing,
 people who lives for money (dont waste your
 life trying to earn it), etc...
Fav. Motto  "Happiness is to browse among cows",
 "Do those who eat an egg think if that hurt the
 chicken ass?", "Who goes sleep with an itching
 ass wake up with a stinking finger".

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